My brand-new Sony Ericsson W518 went for a swim in the pool with me and it is now Tango Uniform.
So I brought my Sony Ericsson K750i purchased in 2006 out of retirement and put it back into service.
It too took a dip in the pool, but after a 3-day drying-out period (not at Betty Ford, here at home on an AC vent) it perked up and went back to working just fine.
The W518 has a 3.2 megapixel camera which is supposedly better than the 2.0 megapixel camera on the K750i, but all megapixels are not created equal, as it says in the Constitution.
The K750i also has an auto-focus feature while the W518 is a fixed-focus lens.
So just to see if the K750i was still perking along as a camera, I took a few photos at the pool just a few minutes ago.
First shot is a Red Stripe beer and a good cigar with the pool in the background.
Second shot is the pool with my sweet wife in the water.
Don't tell her I put here photo on the 'Net without her permission.
Third photo is a closeup of my favorite t-shirt.
Now there's a motto to live by.
The K750i did a fine job of all three photos, close up, far away and both at the same time.
Images are unPhotoshopped, just as they came straight from the cellphone camera.
I did rotate them for perspective in Windows Explorer, but that's it.
Last is photo no. 4 from the W518, Harry the pool dog with one of his playmates.
Yes, it's a larger image. But is it any better than the K750i images?
Not to my eye.
I retired the K750i because it's a candy-bar design and my gut kept dialing calls.
But my smart daughter showed me how to lock the keyboard so now I can carry it cocked and locked, just like my .45 and I'm good to go.