True genius is revealed when the general public begins to come around to your way of thinking. I don't know who said that, so I'll take credit for it. I was for Sarah Palin before it was cool to be for Sarah, since the day John McCain pulled her out of his magic hat during the 2008 campaign. And everything that has happened since has strengthened my conviction that she's like what they said about Maggie Thatcher running as the first woman prime minister of England, "She's the best man for the job." Run Sarah run!
Andrew Tate admits the violent truth about his treatment of women
Andrew Tate was once the most Googled man in the world, and now he’s on the
ground in Florida after facing charges for human trafficking in Romania.
8 minutes ago
1 comment:
I don't know at this point if I would definitely vote for Palin but I know she is on my short list. I am tired of the arrogant elites in the Republican party that look down on her because she did not go to Harvard. I consider that one of her qualifications.
Time will tell.
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