Rick Moran at American Thinker says Obama’s short list of VP candidates has been whittled down to finalists and It ain't gonna be Hillary
Hillary followers are now pretty much resigned to the fact that she will not make history as the first female Vice President. But it angers some of them that the honor may go to another woman…
…there is a strong and growing movement made up of Hillary supporters - PUMA -PAC - that is refusing to support Obama and continues to push Hillary's candidacy at the same time threatening to support McCain over Obama in November.
If Obama were to pick another woman for the ticket, it just might drive the PUMAs over the edge and see them landing in McCain's lap. It's hard to imagine that most of those Democrats would vote for McCain but there is little doubt that a sizable percentage of them would.
That might spell trouble for the messiah in November...
In case you haven’t heard, PUMA PAC was formed by a group of die-hard Hillary supporters. It stands for Party Unity My Ass!
We’ll find out in Denver during the party convention whether PUMA will be willing to take no for an answer. Don’t you just love a cat fight?
Robert Stacy McCain at the American Spectator Blog also says not picking Hillary won’t go over well with Democrat voters in the election.
These voters quite naturally assume that, after such a close-fought contest, Hillary has earned the right to be on the ticket. They haven't noticed Obama's comments and furious vetting efforts that show he's seeking an ABC ("Anyone But Clinton") running mate, with most speculation centering on Virginia Gov. Tim Kaine. And when it is finally announced that Hillary won't be on the ticket, it's going to be a huge jolt, one that many will perceive as a purposeful insult to the former First Lady.
Jennifer Rubin at Pajamas Media reports Hillary Supporters Are Mad and They’re Not Going to Take It Anymore!
Rubin spoke with the founder of Puma PAC, Darragh Murphy, who says they realize the Democratic Convention will nominate Obama.
And what will the Puma members do after the Convention? Murphy concedes, “We’re realists. … We know the DNC is committed to the path of nominating their chosen candidate.” In November she explains, “We are protesting the election.” Members will sit home, write in Hillary’s name or vote for John McCain. She explains, “That up to them. That’s part of our whole philosophy.”I gotta confess I joined Rush's Operation Chaos and became a temporary Democrat to vote for Hillary here in the N.C. Primary. So far, it looks like Rush's plan is still working like a charm.
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