Obama's buddy, Bomb-throwing Bill Ayers, makes the ludicrous claim that his bombs never hurt anybody. B.S.! Nobody but the people who died in the bombs set off in police stations and in federal buildings in our nation's capitol. In this clip from a documentary, he says "from the moment at the townhouse on" which refers to the bomb that went off accidentally and destroyed the bombmaking workshop where the Weather Underground were building nail bombs to explode at U.S. Army base in the servicemen's club. Members of the Weathermen were killed in the accidental explosion, but that was all the justice that was ever served. Ayers and his bloodthirsty wife, Bernadine Dohrn, got off scot-free through a legal loophole.
The clip is taken from a documentary on the Weather Underground. Part 1 is here on youtube where you can watch it all if you need all the gory details. Bill Ayers is a lying, America-hating terrorist, not "former" but currently. He is now a "respected" professor designing educational curriculum to indoctrinate America's public school children into his radical beliefs that America must be overthrown. Vote for Obama and this is the kind of political philosophy you will have in the White House.
It'd be funnier to be evil: a vape-embedded Tamagotchi-style virtual pet
that dies if the user fails to keep puffing [Silly]
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39 minutes ago
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