I guess free enterprise is at work here as the price has dropped significantly on the P250 since it was first released. Prices started out well above $700 but have been dropping since.
We have this same model listed on gunbroker with a camo polymer frame for $675 and now we're competing with ourselves with this great deal on the nickel slide model for only $485.
The P250 is a double-action-only pistol, unlike the classic Sig pistols which are all double-action/single-action. And the response from the buying public has been a bit lukewarm up until now. But with a price drop like this, I imagine demand will rise quickly.
One of my co-workers at the gun shop bought one of the camo models and likes it a lot. And it's a great concept, buy one any size or caliber and then change the polymer grip frame, slide and barrel to a zillion different combinations in 9mm, .40S&W, .357 Sig or .45 ACP in subcompact, compact or full-size.
At prices like this, even the old die-hard Sig classic lovers like me may have to come across. I've got several DAO pistols already, two Glock 10mm, G20 and G29; two S&W M&P .357 Sigs, commander size and compact; and a Steyr M9A1. So the DAO Sig P250 isn't off-putting to me.
It's just that I really love the Sig traditional double-actions. My two P229 .357 Sigs are my absolute favorite pistols and my next acquisition will be a Sig P220 .22LR I tried out over the weekend. Converting it to a .45 ACP Single-Action-Only Sig P220 is the follow-on plan.
After that, a P250 with nickel slide may be next.
The idea behind the 250 is neat, but the DAO makes me sad.
Right now, my finger only has to know two triggers: 1911 single action and S&W revolver double action. I never shoot the Smiths in SA mode.
I'm afraid the SIG's DAO would mess up my timing.
I am truly honored, Tam, that you would visit my humble blog and leave a comment. You're one of my favorites and I read your blog every day. Keep up the great work.
As for DAOs, my trigger finger has a right to get confused as I'm constantly shifting from SAO to DA/SA to DAO, depending on whatever mood strikes me when I put on my pistols to go to work. So far it's working for me. If the brown mess hits the fan and I don't survive it because of a confused trigger finger, write a word of warning for my eulogy.
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