Friday, August 15, 2008

The return of Bill and Bruno II

Jonah Goldberg uses a monster movie theme to chronicle the umpteenth return of Bill and his lovely wife Bruno, and guess who the victim in the shower is in Nightmare on Dem Street?
The Clintons are back. The coffin lid has sprung open, the seal of the crypt has been broken, the mutant virus has escaped the lab. Both Clintons will speak at the Democratic convention, and Hillary will get her I-told-you-so's.
...But fixating on the plot is never a good idea with monster flicks. The point is that the story is always the same. And so it is this time as well. Bill and Hillary are back. And forever more, Barack Obama won't be able to take a shower without fear of that curtain snapping back, as a woman - or is that a man? - prepares to plunge the knife into his back.
Amanda Carpenter at says the Clinton pair's starring role at the Democratic Convention reveals just one more reason Obama is not quite ready for prime time.
While Obama slipped away to Hawaii, Hillary Clinton finagled herself a roll call vote at the Democratic convention and her husband a prime time speaking slot.

In other words, Obama got rolled by Hillary for his own convention. That should tell you something about his ability to stand up to hardknuckled political leaders.

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