Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Three G’s worrying Democrats

As Democrats prepare to anoint their Obamessiah at their convention, there are more signs than just PUMA screams from jilted Hillary lovers that all those happy faces are whistling past the graveyard. When the Washington Post (AKA Obama PR campaign newspaper) has a story titled For Those From Swing States, The Watchword Is . . . Worry, that just might be a sign that all is not hunky-dory under the big Democrat tent.

The story is full of doubters (who Michelle Obama lectured to Monday night), but I offer just one quote from that must-win Midwest state, Ohio:

Sarah Hamilton, a Clinton supporter who works for the Ohio Federation of Teachers, linked Obama's challenges in the state to the resistance that other Democratic presidential candidates have faced in trying to trump social issues with economic ones. "I really think it still has to do with 'Gods, guns and gays.'”

Uh, Sarah, I hate to be nitpicky, but God is usually singular, not plural, at least that’s the way we say it down here in the Bible Belt. But thanks for the thought anyway. On the three G’s, we’re for the first two and try hard to ignore the third, at least those who are out of the closet and strutting their stuff on Main Street. As my daddy used to say, a skunk don’t stink near as bad down on the branch as it does up on Front Street.

As for Obama getting a few of the “God votes,” I’d say that went down the tubes along with the Youtubes of the not-rev. Wright’s “GDA” rants.

A.W.R. Hawkins says it’s getting about time for Obama to get out his six-shooter and go duck hunting to try to bag a few of us guns’ voters.

But though Obama and the Democrats are trying to steal a few of our God and guns votes, but I don’t think too many of us bitter, backwoods rednecks are buying either line. So that leaves the third G, gays, who are an important part of the left-wing fringe and Obama openly says so.

In a letter to the party’s LGBT Caucus — the acronym stands for Lesbian/ Gay/ Bisexual/Transgender — Obama said the group “will be crucial to bringing our Party together and sweeping us to victory on November 4th.”

OK, Mr. O. You can have the LGBT vote. Us God and guns voters like BLTs, but hold the LGBTs, please (with gloves). So yeah, I gotta agree with Sarah. This is shaping up to be a three G’s election and from where I stand, we’ve got the first two and Obama’s got the third unchallenged.

I’m a bit math challenged, but I think in elections, two out of three ain’t bad odds. In election math, we could even call that a landslide victory.

Meanwhile, back at the big party, Michelle Obama issued marching orders last night, telling Democrats "to stop doubting and to start dreaming."

That oughta do it. Just tell ‘em what to do Michelle and they gotta do it. Hey, ain’t she the wife of the man who can tell the oceans to recede?

And speaking of Mr. Oceans-Recede-at-My-Command, guess what he’s up to? Remember his Chicago neighbor, Weatherman-terrorist buddy Bill Ayers? If you need a refresher, Confederate Yankee has the details. Anyway, Obama’s got his panties in a wad over an independent political ad that dares to point out his political ties to Ayers, so guess who he’s asking for help? He’s calling for President Bush’s U.S. Justice Department to investigate the ad. Mr. Bushitler’s DOJ to the rescue? I’m not sure if that’s big brass gonads or just sheer stupidity from the Amazing Mr. O.

Rick Moran at American Thinker says it’s both:

Obama's response is being hailed as a monumental blunder. First of all, it is extraordinarily weak in that it 1) admits Ayers is a "radical;" 2) wonders why McCain is worried what happened 40 years ago when the issue is how Ayers feels now about what he did; and 3) mentioning that Obama was 8 years old when Ayers committed his terrorist acts is not only irrelevant, but weird - a jarring disconnect between the issues raised in the ad and any coherent response by the Obama campaign.

The question of why Obama is on a first name basis with a terrorist is a legitimate one to bring up. But Obama's first response was to try a little hardball and sic the Justice Department on the group putting it out. Not only that, Obama is threatening an advertiser backlash directly to TV stations that run the ad.

As I said, this is hardball politics as it’s played in the Windy City. And those who believe Obama can't get in the muck and root around with the worst of them are underestimating where this guy comes from and of what he is capable of doing if he falls behind.

I have more thoughts about Obama playing hardball and "The Chicago Way" here.

Mark Hemingway at National Review’s Corner also comments on Obama’s request for a DOJ investigation of the Ayers ad:

So let me get this straight — the job of the Justice Department is not to go after unrepentant domestic terrorists such as Bill Ayers, but rather to police campaign ads about Bill Ayers. Real smooth way to handle this, Obama. Doesn't look at all overly defensive or like your campaign is losing control of their bowels over this, nosiree.

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