Thursday, October 9, 2008

Townhall voter to McCain: “I’m mad! I’m really mad!”

Here's John McCain today, back in his favorite setting, a town hall meeting with the public.

McCain promises to attack ACORN and Wright

Campaigning in Wisconsin today, John McCain and Sarah Palin again took issue with Barack Obama's association with Bill Ayers, former Weather Underground terrorist. But a black man supporting McCain urged him to also challenge Obama about his former pastor, the not-very-rev. Jeremiah Wright, and about his ties to ACORN, the national voting registation group under investigation in several states.

The next question came from a black McCain supporter, who reminded McCain of the candidate's plea at the convention for his supporters to do everything possible to ensure a victory. The supporter said: "I doubt that anyone has taken, pardon me, the ass-whoopin' I have taken for doing that." He then implored McCain to go after Barack Obama at the next debate and asked him to raise ACORN and Reverend Wright. "I am begging you, sir," he said, as the crowd stood and applauded.

"Yes, I'll do that," McCain responded, before promising to offer "a positive plan for America's economy."

Better late than never, I always say. What's he got to lose, but an election?

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