Sunday, November 2, 2008

Young Undecideds Who Love Guns: Vote Your Glock

Doug Giles has a few words for the Young Undecideds Who Love Guns: Vote Your Glock:

Young gun owners and hunters. Yeah, you. If you vote for Obama then you will have crapped on your future second amendment rights and the sport you supposedly love.

Welcome to reality, young squab, may I take your coat?

Yep, Dufus, if Barack becomes dictator—I mean president—and you begin to see your right to bear arms erode like Bill Clinton’s conscience at Hooters and you commence to spot the sport of hunting disappearing like a massive bag of Cheetos in front of a rather peckish Rosie O’Donnell, I sure as heck don’t want to hear any of you Obama backing wussies whine about it. Why? Well, you asked for it, and now you got it. You’re the one who, in spite of sick evidence against Barack, decided to vote for the most anti-gun candidate in US history just because he’s “young, cool and can play basketball.”

For those undecided gun lovers who can read and still reason, here’s the reality of the Obama/Biden ticket when it comes to hunting and your right to lock and load.

Are you ready for some truth? You are? Are you sure? Okay then . . . sit down, let your head clear from that last hit of Obama propaganda ganja you just inhaled, turn off MSNBC, log off the DailyKos, put down the Audacity of Hope and give me, my young gun owning/hunting friend just two minutes of your attention and check out this list from . . .

If you think Doug is just blowing smoke, read the sad truth about Obama's anti-gun record.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This article is full of false or unverifyable statements and half-truths. Just because the NRA says it doesn't make it so. (I am a gun owner, a Steyr, which is how I found your site).

Please read this. No, he's not 100% pro-gun, but he's not as bad as the NRA is making him out to be: