Sunday, December 28, 2008

How to survive hell -- in seven easy lessons

I really like Doug Giles. He's a great writer, talk show host and even a preacher. And he's one of those Christians who ain't afraid to stand up and give you the truth, consequences and all.

His column today is called If You're Going Through Hell, Keep Going. Here's his seven points. You gotta read his column to get the rest.

Here are seven observations and exhortations to help us keep plowing through tough times.

1. Jesus Promised Pain.

2. Are You Gonna Cowboy Up or Lay There and Bleed?

3. It’s About Character, Stupid.

4. Don’t Blame God if You Brought This On.

5. Solomon Says, “Relax.”

6. The “Gift” of Hell.

7. Once You’ve Made it Through “Hell”, Don’t Become a Jerk.

Again, read the whole thing. It just might help you get through your personal hell today.

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