Sunday, July 26, 2009

Obama's planets are aligning for 'The Age of Nefarious'

Doug Giles has a sing-along for us from President Obama's big "healthcare reform" press conference.

Being the sensitive guy that I am, sometimes I can’t express how I truly feel about Obamaland without writing a song. Here’s my take on what I believe is happening to the good old USA.

The Age of Nefarious (to be sung to the tune of the Age of Aquarius).

When the moonbats are in the White House

And Deceiver is appointing czars
Then thieves will steal our nation
and socialism will steer the stars

This is the dawning of the age of Nefarious
The age of Nefarious

Disharmony and reparations
Blame shifting and spin abounding
No more transparency or integrity
Golden septic streams of drivel
Mystic liberal machinations
And the mind’s true incarceration

When the moonbats are in the White House

And Deceiver is appointing czars
Then thieves will steal our nation
and socialism will steer the stars

This is the dawning of the age of Nefarious
The age of Nefarious

Let the Thugs slime in.

Let the Thugs slime in.

The Thugs slime in.

Don't hold back there Doug, tell us how you really feel about the Liar In Chief.

Me too Doug.

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