Monday, August 18, 2008

Above Obama’s pay grade

It appears at least one of Obama’s stumbling, fumbling answers during Saturday night’s forum at Saddleback Church is becoming the latest catch phrase that will hang around and haunt him in these last 100 days of the campaign: “Above my pay grade.”

Thomas Lifson at American Thinker cites that as just one of many clear differences between answers from the two candidates at Saddleback:

…(McCain) stating that life begins "at conception" in stark contrast to Obama, who mumbled the famous "above my pay grade" answer. In an attempt to appear overly spiritual, Obama simply appeared overly liberal.

Helen Cadogan at American Thinker takes that thought and runs with it in: Ten things above Obama's pay grade

In no particular order:

1. Cogency, concision, and conviction.
2. Ease of manner without a teleprompter.
3. Maintenance of American defense systems.
4. Pro-American assertions.
5. Rejection of moral and cultural relativism.
6. Decision-making.
7. Qualification to lead the United States.
8. Loyalty.
9. Respecting America and her symbols.
10. Understanding Christian doctrine.

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