Sunday, August 17, 2008

Boycott MSM to defeat Obama

A black minister, The Hon. James David Manning, PhD, calls for a total boycott of the mainstream media as the key to defeating Obama. He specifically names CNN, CBS, ABC, NBC, the New York Times and Oprah and urges everyone to "pull their money strings" with a boycott. This is the "last weapon left" during this last 100 days of the campaign to defeat Obama from "putting his hand on the Koran and becoming the first Muslim President of the United States of America."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well apparently We the People didn't heed the Hon Dr.Manning and I think it is quite apparent to ALL citizens now that Dr. Mannings words had iron and all his fears are coming to pass.There are some Patriots even now
calling for Boycotting the advertisers that spend large sums of money to keep these errant MSMs in business.If you can believe we need to do something,Please come to .
We really need your help.