Saturday, August 23, 2008

Joe Biden on Barack Obama

Mr. Not-Quite-Ready-For-Primetime proves it yet again. Joe Biden? Even Biden says that Obama ain't ready for the big show. And Obama proves it for sure by picking Biden. Is he nuts? Or is the strategy that Biden doesn't make him look quite as much an amateur as picking Hillary would? Well, I guess now Biden's going to have up with something better to say about Obama than he's "clean."

I suspect there's a party going on over in McCain HQ today. Keep your eye on the ball, Big John.

Amanda Carpenter at has the first blush from media on the Biden pick.
Here's a roundup of media reaction to the Biden pick. It's not pretty:

The AP's Ron Fournier says the pick shows "lack of confidence."
Time examines "six key" unflattering moments
The San Diego Union Tribune highlights his gaffes, like "I exaggerate when I'm angry."
Politico headline here is: A Statesman Known for the Slip of the Tongue
I wasn't on Obama's VP text message list, but Amanda Carpenter was and she says hers didn't come through until well after CNN had announced the Biben pick.
This guy can't even announce his VP smoothly (you know what I am going to say next) How can he run a country?

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