Friday, August 1, 2008

Should we thank God for Obama?

I gotta admit it took me a while to "get" this one but as I read it, the light finally dawned. And it was not the halo around the messiah's head that illuminated me. Kyle-Anne Shiver almost made me spit my coffee on my keyboard when I saw this headline on American Thinker, Why I'm Thanking God for Obama

She explains her line of thought quite well, but the short version is that old business saying about there are no problems, just opportunities. And Obama's candidacy is actually an opportunity, she reasons. I think it's a problem, too, a real big problem. Anyway, I'll let Kyle-Anne take it from here.
The bottom line here is that Barack Obama does not seem to be running against John McCain. He seems to think he's too big for that. As he told a roomful of Congressional Democrats this week, behind closed doors, he is no longer a mere man, he's "become a symbol of the possibility of America." Considering the scope of the promises he is making and the hope he is offering not only America, but the rest of the world to boot, Barack Obama seems to be running against a far higher power than himself.

Barack Obama actually appears to be running against God. By claiming that he can do things only God can do, like heal "broken souls" and fill up "holes" in people's hearts, make all "divisions" go away and disperse with all inconvenient "distractions," Barack Obama claims power that no mortal man, and certainly no mere president has ever had, or ever will have, no matter how much money he has to spend or how brilliant or how able he may be.

Most rational human beings know this without thinking hard.

That's why this isn't an ordinary election, and why it is becoming more absurd by the hour.

But this is a terrific opportunity for all of us mortal Americans who still love this Country and happen to think that our Founders were onto something quite exceptional in the history of human civilization. This election will not pit Democrats against Republicans, but those who love America against those who just love Barack and think he is the one they've been waiting for to finally close the deal and secure their love for an America perfected by the politics of Barack Obama.
Read the whole thing. It's one of the most thoughtful pieces on this election I've read. Then make up your mind -- and vote for McCain!

Thomas Lifson at American Thinker followed up Kyle-Anne's article with this observation about McCain's new ad mocking "The One," in the post directly below this one:
Released shortly after publication of Kyle-Anne Shiver's article today on the Obama campaign's godlike reach, the McCain campaign's new commercial today is devastating. When people start laughing at your pretensions, how do you recover?

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