Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Dancing the ‘Audacity Hustle’

James Lewis at American Thinker says you’ve got to learn to “crack the code” to follow Obama’s dance steps in The Audacity Hustle

Senator O began his German Tiergarten speech with "Citizens of the world!" -- a direct echo of "Workers of the world!" from the Communist Manifesto of 1848. Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels wrote their Communist Manifesto in German, and German school children know it pretty much by rote. So his 200,000 German listeners knew exactly what he was saying, even if the American audience didn't. It's all part of the Audacity Hustle.

Or take the Obama slogan, "We are the change we've been waiting for!" It's repeated in The Obama Hustle over and over again. But it's just Fidel Castro's slogan, "La Revolucion Somos Nosotros!" --- "We are the Revolution!" That slogan been dinned into the ears of starving Cubans for fifty years. But Leftist snobs just love it. So the Obama campaign just translated Castro's big slogan into English, changed "the revolution" to "the change" --- and presto! -- we get the Audacity Hustle: "We are the change we've been waiting for!"

The Leftist in-crowd just loves how Obama is putting Castro's propaganda over on millions of ignorant American suckers. It's just the Audacity Hustle, folks. Just break the code, and it all becomes crystal clear.

Now I'm not saying that Obama is a real Marxist; he might be suckering his Marxist buddies, too. Obama is a people-pleasing hustler, and he may not have any convictions at all. (Bill Clinton doesn't). I am just pointing to what Obama is doing -- sending out contradictory sucker messages every single day. He's got them for Leftists, blacks, whites, gays, Jews, Christians -- and soon, when he picks his Veep running mate, he will have a big message for the Hillary feminists.

All the Obama messages say the same thing: You can trust the Messiah of our Age! He's one of you!

Obama is Bill Clinton without the integrity.

Watch for the Audacity Hustle for the next hundred days, and maybe for the next eight years. But only if Americans fall down for the biggest sucker job in American history.

Suck - errrrrs!

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