Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The incredible shrinking Obama

Michael Gerson pens what I think is perhaps the most perceptive comment thus far in this political season, summing up Barack Hussein Obama.

Obama is one of those rare political figures who seems to grow smaller the closer we approach him.

Gerson made that comment reviewing the McCain vs. Obama showdown at Saddleback Church, hosted by pastor Rick Warren on Saturday. Like everyone else but Andrea Mitchell and the leftwingnuts, Gerson is also impressed by the growing stature of McCain vs. the shrinking of Obama.

Speaking of Andrea’s “McCain cheated!” parroting of the Obama camp’s whining about mean ol’ John McCain whupping up on poor, little Obama, here’s a quote from Andrea about why McCain must have cheated: “He seemed so well prepared.” Hey Andrea, maybe he seemed so well prepared because he actually was well prepared and ready for prime time, unlike the incredible shrinking Obama who can’t talk without reading a teleprompter with the answers to questions that he asks himself. What a concept, a candidate who’s actually “well prepared” to be President!

Getting back to Gerson, he concludes:

McCain's performance at the Warren forum helps change the political psychology going into the conventions. Republicans have spent the past few weeks pleasantly surprised at the closeness of the presidential race. But they have generally chalked this up to Obama's weakness, not McCain's strength. After Saturday night, even Republicans most skeptical of McCain must conclude: "Perhaps we aren't doomed after all."

Of such small hopes are large upsets made.

I’ve been gobsmacked from the get-go in this campaign that such a lightweight newcomer, birthed by the corrupt Chicago political machine, could even be seriously considered for the highest office in our land. Perhaps the closer Obama is examined, the more this political midget will shrink.

1 comment:

Sandy Mastroni said...

Just wanted to say hello
I love the Lord too
and wanted to say I agree with the things you wrote here
The obama adulation sickens me
Have a great day
come and visit me sometime
Bye for now