Sunday, August 31, 2008

Palin panic projections from the leftwing

Have you ever noticed that sometimes people accuse you of things that seem to come from out of nowhere, but you later find out that the accuser is guilty of what they accused you of doing?

As Jesus said, before you try to pick that speck out of your brother's eye, better remove the 2x4 from your own eye. And that's exactly what Democrats are doing over McCain's pick of Palin, accusing him of making a panic move when in reality, it's the whole leftwing that's in full panic.

Ed Morrissey at Hot Air explains:
Democrats offered a little projection over the weekend and claimed that John McCain’s choice of Sarah Palin as his running mate exposed his panic during their convention, a claim that only made sense if one hadn’t endured it on television. Unfortunately for them, the meme of panic doesn’t apply, nor did it make any sense, given McCain’s position in the polls. The Washington Post reports that McCain favored Palin for months, and that it reflects a deliberate focus on reform and change:
The WaPo report says:
Far from being a last-minute tactical move or a second choice when better known alternatives were eliminated, Palin was very much in McCain’s thinking from the beginning of the selection process, according to McCain’s advisers. The 44-year-old governor made every cut as the first list of candidates assembled last spring was slowly winnowed. The more McCain learned about her, the more attracted he was to her as someone who shared his maverick, anti-establishment instincts.
Morrissey continues:

Far from being some sort of panic attack, McCain’s selection of Palin was a deliberate effort to craft a specific message for the general election and for his Presidency, should he win. He wants to challenge his party to recall their reform roots from the Reagan Revolution and the Contract with America. He cannot expect to have that taken seriously or effectively without having a real reformer, and not just a talker, on the ticket with him. He needs the conservative base energized and enthusiastic to make that message effective, and Palin provides both a track record of real reform and energy for the GOP base.

As the Times said on Friday, this shouldn’t surprise anyone. The panic seen from the Left shouldn’t surprise anyone, either. After their so-called reformer picked a 35-year Washington insider as his running mate, the ticket of true reform is obvious to even them.

Considering the Palin pick turned Obama's brief convention bounce into what one pundit called a "dead-cat bounce," wiping it out overnight, I'd say the leftwing is wise to go into full panic mode.

Look out lefties, Al Gore was right. The sky really is falling. And project not upon whom the sky is falling, because it's falling upon thee.

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